We want your experience to be totally stress-free when consulting, reviewing or buying from LinkChem Supplies Kenya. If you have any questions, or just want to meet a friendly member of LinkChem Supplies , you can reach us anytime!
If you'd like to enquire about making orders, buying, deliveries and pickups from LinkChem Supplies Kenya please get in touch with us through phone number : +254721939914 or on email via : info@linkchemsupplies.co.ke.
If you'd like to visit our physical stores LinkChem Supplies Ltd is located at Ruby mall, 4th Floor, On Charles Rubia Rd., behind NCBA Bank Accra Road.
Our postal address is : P.O. Box 14414-00400, Nairobi-Kenya. We'd be happy to assist.
The LinkChem Supplies support team is available anytime on our social media handles. Feel free to interact with us !
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